Verified Patient
"I had two hip replacement surgeries in 6 months. The results of both were spectacular. I am so very gratefull to Dr Smith as everything went better than I could have ever expected. He and his team were so very kind, considerate and very responsive. This was my first surgery and I trust Dr Smith completely." -
Verified Patient
"DR. Eric L. SMITH Review Dr. Eric L. Smith of NE Baptist Hospital was my surgeon for my 2nd total knee replacement. It’s been a year since my successful surgery.. I am so grateful to him, his office staff and the Baptist Hospital team. My first knee replacement in 2019 at BI was the worst medical experience of my life. I rate my second knee replacement success on these factors: Dr. Smith is a skilled surgeon. We met, I explained my fears, he took a lot of time and talked about how my surgery would go. I opted for the Conformast knee which is a custom knee molded to your leg. It made a HUGE difference in my successful recovery . I highly recommend it. It’s marketed towards athletes, but I notice a difference when I compare my knees. Pain Management - The opioid epidemic has forced docs to cut way back on pain meds. I believe the pendulum has swung too far in the current direction. That said, I was not denied the refills I needed for successful physical therapy. Physical Therapy - I would not consider knee replacement surgery unless you commit to P.T. My knees will never be like my young knees, I still force myself to do the exercises because they work. I recommend Dr. Smith." -
Verified Patient